Has Social Media #Goals Changed Our Perception Of Reality? | Listen To Black Women
These days we’re bombarded by a slew of #Goals on social media, be it fitness, relationship or professional achievements. And while we know deep down not everything we see online is real, most of us still can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy or the need to compare ourselves when looking at others’ social media lives.
In this episode, we tackle that topic by sharing insights from you, our audience, and what you had to say in our latest poll. We’ll also dive into the larger social media discussion being had and discuss various thinkpieces around the Internet. And finally, we have a candid conversation with reality star Yandy Smith on how she balances her social media persona with real life.
MADAMENOIRE is a passionate, cutting-edge web publication geared towards African-American women. The publication's mission is to unite black women at various stages of their lives, around a common aspiration for better, more fulfilling lifestyles. MADAMENOIRE provides breaking news, an open forum for discussion and cosmopolitan advice born from the lived experiences and needs of these women of color (which includes mothers, young professionals, fashionistas and intellectuals).